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Projects currently underway: (1) Developing stereotactically delivered sensors and stimulators using the most advanced materials and packaging available; (2) developing computational models to explore the mesoscale information available to neuroscientists and clinicians; (3) demonstration of a brain-machine-interface to treat speech-related deficits; and (4) neurosurgical tools to improve the epileptogenesis diagnosis in refractory epilepsy.


Our research goal is to invent and demonstrate new sensors, actuators, electronics, and wireless systems that improve outcomes and also reduce the risk of infection and complications. Specifically, the methods these projects require are electrophysiology, machine learning, information theory, biophysics modeling, source localization, lead field theory, thin film manufacturing, and advanced packaging. If you are interested in developing new neuroelectronics and have those skills and a background in neuroscience, electrical engineering, materials science, and bioengineering, please reach out. Job posting are listed under CAREERS

We are surrounded by phenomenal colleagues at UTHealth and Rice! Specifically, we are working with Nitin Tandon, MD, PhD on human implants with epilepsy patients and eventually to treat aphasia. Sandipan Pati, MD has been closely working with us on rodent epilepsy models and treating epilepsy with improved seizure network diagnosis.

Our lab space is located both at the University of Texas McGovern Medical School at UTHealth and in Rice University’s BSR building, together with many other leading neurotechnologists. Our lab performs research primarily on rodent models in our BRC space, sheep at UTHealth and work with collaborators for other pre-clinical and clinical work. Our fabrication work takes place inside the Rice nanofabrication facility


Please contact us if you want to contribute to this exciting cross-disciplinary research!


Abrego, Amada M., Wasif Khan, Christopher E. Wright, M. Rabiul Islam, Mohammad H. Ghajar, Xiaokang Bai, Nitin Tandon, and John P. Seymour. "Sensing local field potentials with a directional and scalable depth electrode array." Journal of Neural Engineering (2023). (email site if you need a copy)

M. Vöröslakos*, K. Kim*, N. Slager, E. Ko, S. Oh, S. S. Parizi, Q. Wang, H. Ye, B. Hendrix, D. James, H. Qian, J P. Seymour, K.D. Wise, A. Fernández-Ruiz, G. Buzsáki, E. Yoon, “HectoSTAR μLED optoelectrodes for large-scale, high-precision in vivo opto-electrophysiology” Advanced Science (2022): 2105414.

McCarty, MJ., O. Woolnough, J.C. Mosher, J.P. Seymour, and Nitin Tandon. "The Listening Zone of Human Electrocorticographic Field Potential Recordings." Eneuro 9, no. 2 (2022).

D. Yan, A. Jiman, E. Bottorff, P. Patel, D. Meli, E. Welle, D. Ratze, L. Havton, C. Chestek, S. Kemp, T. Bruns, E. Yoon, J. Seymour*, “Ultraflexible and Stretchable Intrafascicular Peripheral Nerve Recording Device with Axon‐Dimension, Cuff‐Less Microneedle Electrode Array” Small (2022): 2200311.

Park, Sung-Yun, Na Kyounghwan, Mihaly Voroslakos, Hyunsoo Song, Nathan Slager, Sungjin Oh, John P Seymour, Gyorgy Buzsaki, and Euisik Yoon. 2021. “A Miniaturized 256-Channel Neural Recording Interface with Area-Efficient Hybrid Integration of Flexible Probes and CMOS Integrated Circuits.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.

Welle, Elissa J, Joshua E Woods, Ahmad A Jiman, Julianna M Richie, Elizabeth C Bottorff, Zhonghua Ouyang, John P Seymour, Paras R Patel, Tim M Bruns, and Cynthia A Chestek. 2021. “Sharpened and Mechanically Durable Carbon Fiber Electrode Arrays for Neural Recording.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 29: 993–1003.

Sperry ZJ, Na K, Jun J, Madden LR, Socha A, Yoon E, Seymour JP, Bruns TM. High-density Neural Recordings from Feline Sacral Dorsal Root Ganglia with Thin-film Array. J. Neural Eng. (2021).

A.A. Jiman, D.C. Ratze, E.J. Welle, P.R. Patel, J.M. Richie, E.C. Bottorff,  J.P. Seymour, C.A. Chestek, T.M. Bruns Multi-channel intraneural vagus nerve recordings with a novel high-density carbon fiber microelectrode array; Scientific Reports, 10: 15501, (2020)


Na, Kyounghwan, Zachariah J Sperry, Jiaao Lu, Mihaly Vöröslakos, Saman S Parizi, Tim M Bruns, Euisik Yoon, and John P Seymour. 2020. “Novel Diamond Shuttle to Deliver Flexible Neural Probe with Reduced Tissue Compression.” Microsystems & Nanoengineering 6 (1): 1–13.

Kim, K., Vöröslakos, M., Seymour, J.P., Wise, K.D., Buzsáki, G., Yoon, E. Artifact-free and high-temporal-resolution in vivo opto-electrophysiology with microLED optoelectrodes. Nat Commun 11, 2063 (2020).

D. Yan, T.M. Bruns, Y. Wu, L. Zimmerman, C. Stephan, Y. Cheng, A.P. Cameron, E. Yoon, J.P. Seymour, “Ultra-compliant carbon nanotube stretchable electronics direct bladder interface” in press at Adv. Healthcare Materials

Mendrela AE, Kim K, English D, McKenzie S, Seymour JP, Buzsáki G, et al. A High-Resolution Opto-Electrophysiology System with a Miniature Integrated Headstage. IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst. 2018 (link)

Sperry ZJ, Na K, Parizi SS, Chiel HJ, Seymour J, Yoon E, Bruns TM. Flexible microelectrode array for interfacing with the surface of neural ganglia. Journal of neural engineering. 2018 Apr 16;15(3):036027. (link)

Komal Kampasi, English DF, Seymour J, Stark E, McKenzie S, Vöröslakos M, et al. Dual color optogenetic control of neural populations using low-noise, multishank optoelectrodes. Microsystems Nanoeng. 2018;(link).

S.M. Wellman, J.R. Eles, K.A. Ludwig, J.P. Seymour, N.J. Michelson, W.E. McFadden, A.L. Vazquez, T.D.Y. Kozai, “A Materials Roadmap to Functional Neural Interface Design,” Advanced Functional Materials, 2017, 1701269. (link)

J.P. Seymour*, F. Wu, K.D. Wise, E. Yoon, “State-of-the-art MEMS and microsystem tools for brain research,” Microsystems and Nanoengineering, 16066, 2017. (link)

K. Kampasi, E. Stark, J. Seymour, K. Na, H. G. Winful, G. Buzsáki, K. D. Wise, and E. Yoon, “Fiberless multicolor neural optoelectrode for in vivo circuit analysis,” Scientific Reports, vol. 6, 2016. (link)

T.D.Y. Kozai, K. Catt, Z. Du, K. Na, O. Srivannavit, R.M. Haque, J. Seymour, K.D. Wise, E. Yoon, and X. T. Cui, “Chronic in vivo evaluation of PEDOT/CNT for stable neural recordings,” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 111–119, 2016. (link)

J.P. Seymour*, N. Langhals, D.J.Anderson, D.R. Kipke;  “Novel multi-sided, microelectrode arrays for implantable neural applications,”  Biomed Microdevices, 2011. 13(3): p. 441-51. (link)

J.P. Seymour*, Y. Elkasabi, H. Chen, J. Lahann, and D.R. Kipke; “Improved insulation performance in bioelectrical devices with a reactive parylene interface,” Biomaterials; 2009; 30(31): 6158-6167. (link)

E.K. Purcell, J.P. Seymour, S. Yandamuri, D.R. Kipke, “In vivo evaluation of a neural stem cell-seeded probe.” Journal of Neural Engineering; 2009; Apr; Issue 2.  (link)

J.P. Seymour and D.R. Kipke; "Neural probe design for reduced tissue encapsulation in CNS," Biomaterials; 2007; Sep; 28(25):3594-3607. (link)  

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

D. Yan, A. Jiman, D. Ratze, S. Huang, E. Welle, P. Patel, A. Ouyang, M. Kushner, C. Chestek, T. Bruns, E. Yoon, J. Seymour*, “Microneedle Penetrating Array with Axon-Sized Dimensions for Cuff-less Peripheral Nerve Interfacing” IEEE EMBS NER Conference 2019, Mar. 2019; San Francisco, CA

D. Yan, J. Seymour, C. Stephen, A. Mundorf, Y. Cheng, T. Bruns, E. Yoon, “Highly stretchable implantable device for bladder volume monitoring and stimulation”, Materials Research Society, Nov. 26 2017; Boston, MA

A. E. Mendrela, K. Kim, D. English, S. McKenzie, J. Seymour, G. Buzsáki E. Yoon, “A Miniature Headstage for High Resolution Closed-Loop Optogenetics", 2017 IEEE Biomedical Circuits & Systems Conference, 2017 Oct. 19-21; Turin, Italy

K. Kim, D. English, S. Mckenzie, F. Wu, E. Stark, J. Seymour, P. Ku, K. Wise, G. Buzsaki, and E. Yoon, “GaN-on-Si μ LED optoelectrodes for high-spatiotemporal-accuracy optogenetics in freely behaving animals,” IEEE Int. Electron Devices Meet., 2016.

K. Kampasi, J. Seymour, E. Stark, G. Buzsáki, K. D. Wise, and E. Yoon, “Efficient assembly of multi-color fiberless optoelectrodes with on-board light sources for neural stimulation and recording,” in Conference of the IEEE Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society (EMBC), 2016.

K. Kampasi, J. P. Seymour, K. Na, K. D. Wise, and E. Yoon, “Fiberless multicolor optoelectrodes using injection laser diodes and gradient-index lens coupled optical waveguides,” in Transducers, 2015.

A. Khurram and J. P. Seymour, “Investigation of the photoelectrochemical effect in optoelectrodes and potential uses for implantable electrode characterization.” EMBC 2013. The 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; 2013 July 3-7; Osaka, Japan.

D.R. Kipke, GJ Gage, EK Purcell, J.P. Seymour, J Subbaroyan, TC Marzullo, “Development of neural interfaces for chronic use in neuromotor prosthetics,” IEEE 10th International Conf. on Rehabilitation Robotics

J.P. Seymour, D.R. Kipke; " Open-Architecture Neural Probes Reduce Cellular Encapsulation," Materials Research Society Symposium Proc. Vol. 926, pp. 6, San Francisco 2006.

J. P. Seymour and D. R. Kipke, “Fabrication of polymer neural probes with sub-cellular features for reduced tissue encapsulation,” Annu. Int. Conf. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. - Proc., vol. 1, pp. 4606–4609, Jan. 2006.


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